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Helen and Sol Krawitz Holocaust Memorial Education Center

Shimon and Sara Birnbaum Jewish Community Center

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Donate to Our Center

Our Center brings Holocaust education to the community in a variety of ways.  We provide workshops for teens and college age students.  We give scholarships for an important experience called the March of the Living. We facilitate community programming.  In an effort to build a web of connection, past and present, within our survivor and descendant communities, we tell the stories of our local survivors. Our goal is to fight against Holocaust denial, antisemitism, hate and intolerance of all kinds.  We cannot do this important work without your support.

Please donate and check the “Dedicate this donation” box and when specifying in honor or in memory of, include ONE (1) of the following in your description:

  • The Education Fund
  • The March of the Living Scholarship Fund
  • Discretionary or most needed